Product information
eibini bench with backrest
The attractively shaped group of chairs invites to have a rest and a nice chat.
Scope of delivery bench with backrest: SW pi
Minimal space -
Size 2,00x0,62x,0,83 m
Ex works no
Minimal space -
Fall protection netto -
Freefall height -
Biggest part -
Heaviest part -
Foundation level -
Foundation -
Soil quality -
Catalogue index Bench eibini
Tender text
?: eibini bench with backrest SW pi standard
Recommended age group: -
Scope of delivery: bench with backrest: SW pi
Minimum space: -
Free falling height: -
Assembly: 1 person/1 h
Ground constitution: -
Foundations: -
Impact protection net: -
Certificate: -
?: Pfosten: mit Rundkopf d=120mm; 2facher Mantelschliff; KDI chromfreie Kesseldruckimprägnierung mit RAL Gütezeichen; kernfreies or kerngetrenntes softwood FSC zertifiziert; Bretter t=38mm; Kanthölzer 52x38mm; teilweise mit stainless steelschrauben vormontiert
Article no.: -
Description: eibini bench with backrest
CO2 emissions of the product
40,8 kg
Share of renewable raw materials
Share of recycled material
Weighted emission factor of the product **
0,5 kg CO₂e/kg
The present dashboard for the Circularity Index of the "Circular Product" certification was automatically generated and is based on the corresponding certification of eibe Produktion + Vertrieb GmbH & Co KG, Industriestraße 1, 97285 Röttingen, which was issued on May 16, 2024, using the example product Play System Albion from the eibe unique® product series by the Gesellschaft für Klimaschutz München GmbH (GKM GmbH). Responsibility for the accuracy of the content lies with eibe Produktion + Vertrieb GmbH & Co KG. The basis for awarding the private-sector "Circular Product" certification by GKM GmbH can be viewed at
** The CO2e emissions of the materials used in the product are taken into account. The emissions that arise during the production process are allocated to the product on a pro-rata basis.
eibini bench with backrest x
eibini bench with backrest
eibini bench with backrest
eibini bench with backrest
eibini bench with backrest
eibini bench with backrest
eibini bench with backrest